26th-31st August 2019 – Poole to Jersey sponsored Cycle race

Over £4,000 raised!!


A huge thank you to Will Ross’s friends; Joe Burkmar, Mike Coe, James Davies, Tim Hannibal, Rew Leonard, Dave Perry, Lewis Whitehouse and Nick Townend  who on the 26th August embarked on a 600 mile bike ride from Poole to Jersey ‘the long way round’. The ride took them from Poole in Dorset, to Folkestone in Kent, across the Channel and on to St-Malo in France. Here they crossed to Jersey where they finished with a lap of the island supported by all of Will’s family, friends and local cyclists, including Will himself on a hand bike! This feat took them 6 days, and saw them cycle an average 115 miles a day followed by a 30-ish mile lap of Jersey on the final day.

You can read Will’s story here and donate via Just Giving: