Research Application for Funding
Check this first. Before you consider applying for INSPIRE funding, please acquaint yourself with our Research Strategy and in particular our areas of interest. Background reading on some of the areas we have studied may also help set the scene.
Letter of Intent. You are advised to make contact with INSPIRE's Director to outline your proposed project. Please call Stephen Croft, the Director, on 07563232219. He sits on the National Scientific Committee and is also Secretary to the Trustees so is in a good position to assist and advise. He will normally ask for a ‘Letter of Intent’ (LOI) two sides of A4 outlining the scope of the proposed project, covering:
· Project Title
· Aim and anticipated outcomes
· Principal Investigator/project team
· Location(s)
· Duration
· Funding requirements from the INSPIRE Foundation/other funding offers
Applicants should not submit a full Application unless invited to do so. They are lengthy and complex forms and the Scientific Committee members prefer to consider a project in outline before deciding to give it their provisional support. Pick up the phone or send your idea/LOI to director@inspire-foundation.org.uk
How long will an Application take? From a cold start an application could be approved in 6 months although normally it is best to err on the side of caution. Remember the National Scientific Committee meets in March/September and if it recommends an Application the Board of Trustees could approve it two months later in April/October. Review Process
Ready to apply? If you have obtained agreement in principle from Rory Steevenson (who would normally seek agreement from the National Scientific Committee) and would like to apply for funding, please download the Application Form.
Post: Completed application forms should be sent to:
The INSPIRE Foundation
The Duke of Cornwall's Spinal Treatment Centre
Salisbury District Hospital
Confirmation: The Director will write to all applicants informing them of the Committee’s opinions and recommendations. If successful, the Director will confirm the result immediately after the relevant Trustees Meeting either in April or October each year.