INSPIRE Membership
Introduction. Our members come from every background and there is no criteria for joining. One thing they all have in common is an interest, often through personal experience of Spinal Cord Injury. This has proved to be a catalyst for an interaction of ideas and debate which members and their families have found particularly useful, especially during rehabilitation. Please feel free to explore this website and find out more. When you are ready, call or email us and be assured of a warm welcome as a Member of the INSPIRE Foundation.
You can become a Member at any time...
The INSPIRE Foundation welcomes all new members. Whether you are yourself Spinal Cord Injured (SCI), a carer or family member of someone living with SCI or an interested party who wishes to help the wider SCI community, we are delighted to have your support, engage with you and share our combined experience.
Benefits INSPIRE Members enjoy the following benefits:
- A wide network of kindred spirits interested in SCI
- Automatic invitation to the AGM
- Opportunity to vote on any AGM business
- Possibility of becoming involved in SCI Research projects (see below)
- Right to post agenda items at the Trustees’ Meetings
- Right to post agenda items at INSPIRE’s National Scientific Committee
AGM Minutes
The minutes from 2024 can be downloaded here.
Involvement in Scientific Projects
Our funded projects often need willing SCI volunteers to help with our research. This can involve trying out new ideas from the comfort of their own homes, completing research questionnaires or visiting the projects and guided by our dedicated project teams, help assess or trial any aspect of a particular project. No two projects are the same and of course we understand that travelling to spinal units or universities where projects are based is not feasible for everyone. However, any member who wishes to offer their services to our research programme is encouraged to make contact so we can try and find a project in which they might participate. Please telephone 01722 425098 or email ‘office@inspire-foundation.org.uk’
Friends of INSPIRE
If you would like to support us and just become a 'Friend' of INSPIRE we can add you to our database and keep you updated on INSPIRE news and events.
Sign up now: Membership is FREE as we have no joining fees or annual subscriptions! If you are interested in becoming a Member please complete the form below and our Membership Manager, Pippa Giles will post you a Membership pack. Alternatively you can complete this Membership Form and return to us in the post.
While we obviously need to raise money, our policy is that members should decide if and when they wish to contribute towards the charity’s Research Programme.
Please consider making a donation at any time Donate