Sat 14th July – INSPIRE Polo, Tidworth Polo Club*

POLO 2018 RAISES £9,000

As the ‘warm up act’ for the annual Rundle Cup, on Saturday 14th July,  at Tidworth Polo Club, the INSPIRE Foundation again organised the highly successful pre-lunch charity tournament. Richard Firth, MD of our main sponsor Quilter Cheviot Investment Management (Salisbury) fielded one team while Tania Slater of Baylis & Harding sponsored the second.  Each team of four players and ponies competed in two chukkas for the Benney Memorial Trophy in memory of INSPIRE’s founding Polo Patrons the late Gerald & Janet Benney. Their legacy lives on through their daughter Mrs Genevieve Holmes MVO, a much valued INSPIRE Patron.  With these wonderful pictures, our gifted photographer Karen Hitchlock captures the atmosphere perfectly.

Using the polo as a fitting backdrop, spectators witnessed the moving presentation of a magnificent donation by the Racing Foundation for £17,500 towards INSPIRE’s research programme.  Tansy Challis the Racing Foundation’s Grant Manager presented the cheque to Professor Peter Ellaway Chairman of INSPIRE’s National Scientific Committee and SCI polo player Doctor Fran Townend, who despite severe spinal cord and other injuries, bravely stood with a borrowed crutch in front of the packed grandstand for the ceremony.

Quilter Cheviot’s Team
(pink shirts numbered as below) and the Winners by 2 – 1 goals
No 1. Major Harry Wallace, Commanding Officer, Kings Troop Royal Horse Artillery
No 2. Dr Fran Townend, an unusual talent as a spinal cord injured polo player
No 3. Ed Barker, local land owner, polo player and provider of ponies
No 4. Elspeth Talbot Rice QC talented and generous polo supremo
Baylis & Harding Team with a decidedly international dimension
No 1.  Mark Corbett, 3 day eventer, Junior British Equestrian Coach
No 2.  Dan Jocelyn, New Zealand World and Olympic level eventer
No 3.  Alberto Giugni Italian European and World Class Eventing teams since 2005
No 4.  Maj Gen Robert Talbot Rice, past chairman of Army Polo, family horse box driver and generous provider of ponies

HENCHMAN Two Furlong Dash This year, the Two Furlong Dash was generously sponsored by Tom Kitching, Managing Director of HENCHMAN, manufacturers of the famous tripod safety ladders and other garden and yard equipment.  This exciting race, two lengths of the polo field with an unusual 180 degree turn at the far end was contested by three amateur jockeys:

Red.    Alexander Ferguson riding Barbarita who came home by a short head
White. Zac Ferguson riding ‘Red’
Blue.    Hugh Nugent riding ‘Indie’

In Addition:  Teams competed in the wheelchair relay won convincingly by INSPIRE’s surprise team with the Hon Katharine Cecil as our secret lightweight jockey! In the midst of this flurry of activity, there was just time for a spectacular freefall display by the Royal Navy’s Parachute Display Team.

INSPIRE guests then enjoyed a sumptuous three course lunch prepared by Emma Harrison Catering.  The beautifully decorated marquee was full of fragrant blooms expertly arranged by Daphne Smith and her team of helpers Rose Carnegy, Pippa Giles, Carole Ann Michels and Mo Morgan.  At the end of the day our guests were able to take flowers home for suitable donations which added to our bottom line.

Our auction raised nearly £5000!  Lots, kindly donated included, a bronze horse statuette entitled A ‘Spring in the Step’ by Vivien Mallock, a weekend at Pentillie Castle on the River Tamar by Ted Coryton, HENCHAMN garden equipment by Tom Kitching, Hospitality Tickets to Twickenham by Quilter Cheviot Investment Management and a 5 litre bottle of claret by our wine sponsor of 5 years, Charles Steevenson founding owner of Steevenson Wines.  Midway through his stride, the auctioneer was interrupted by Major Harry Wallace who offered a day for two with King’s Troop, Royal Horse Artillery including a 41 gun salute.  The auctioneer instantly doubled it to four people and in a flash raised £800.

In all approximately £9,000 was raised during Polo 2018 after a thoroughly pleasant if hot summer’s day.  To all those who helped, took part, attended or donated so generously, THANK YOU! Photographs by:


POLO 2019 Please Note:  Tickets are already being reserved for Polo 2019 (either Saturday 6th or 13th July).  Options include the full blown marquee option with everything from wine to car parking included at £75.00 per person to the family orientated picnic option at £25.00 per car! For further details: email: or Tel:    01722 336262 Ext 2465