The Board of Trustees
Role. Regulated by the Charities’ Commission and in accordance with INSPIRE’s Constitution, the Board of Trustees is responsible for overseeing the management, administration and financial business of the charity.
Composition. Key to Trustees’ election to the Board, is an empathetic understanding of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI) and rehabilitation. Five Trustees (with * by their names) have personal experience of Spinal Cord Injury (SCI), which is essential to the Board’s make up. They bring to the fore a wide range of knowledge personal experience not only of Tetraplegia and Paraplegia but also Rehabilitation. Meanwhile, the remaining Trustees are subject matter experts in other fields and add their professional backgrounds and experience to the Board’s decision making process. All Trustees give their time freely to the charity.
Meetings. The Board meets formally twice each year in May and November, usually six weeks after the National Scientific Committee (NSC). This allows time for the NSC to call for more evidence or modify scientific papers as necessary. Before their deliberations, Trustees always consider INSPIRE’S Objective and importantly, when considering new projects, whether the necessary funds are either already in place or realistically achievable within a 5 year time frame.
Conflict of Interests. The INSPIRE Foundation enforces a strict Conflict of Interest Protocol. If during a formal Board meeting, a Trustee has a declared or known interest in any agenda item, they will be asked to leave the meeting room for the duration of that item. In the event such business is considered ‘out of committee’, the interested Trustee will not be involved or permitted to vote, but will be notified of the eventual outcome.
Trustees’ Biographies. To access an individual’s abbreviated biography, click on any photograph below.
Trustees: Please click this link to take you to the password protected area where you can find documents relating to Trustee matters.